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Problems with soundproofing and insulation | Kamiyama Choukei Office

What are the challenges of conventional masking sound in terms of
soundproofing and sound insulation?

Problems of conventional masking sound 1

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Problems of conventional masking sound 1

Unfamiliar Natural Sounds

Sounds unrelated to interior design, so they are discomforting

Because the sound sources are overly edited, sounds such as chirping and river are unnatural.

​​Because the sound resolution is not good. It feels like noise

*These are based on our research.

Problems of conventional masking sound 2

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Problems of conventional masking sound 2

Unnatural Conversation Noises as well as Air Conditioning Noises

Because the sound source is played at

a constant sound, It is unbearable to

listen to for a long time.

Because the sound source is monaural (single) Sounds are unnatural.

*These are based on our research.

As a result

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In the short run, the issues seem to be resolved....

In the long run, comfort is lost.

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